I stole the expanding scrollboxes from Ishimori's Carrd! Muahahahaha! That's where I got the text floats on hover code too.
This is likely to get chaotic and I'm not attempting to organize any of it. ...Alright, I guess I can try to organize it a little. I'll try to group each box by their content. I'll also try to screenshot every link on this page on the Wayback Machine. There's a very fat chance that the links here are already on the Wayback Machine though.
The font this site uses is called NintendoDS BIOS. You can find it here on dafont.com.
Welc ome
to this website! Hover your mouse over the boxes to expand them and see what's in them. They scroll, too.
If you're nervous about where the links on this site take you, if you're on pc (or running windows 10/11, at least) it will actually tell you the address of the website in the bottom left corner of the screen when you hover your mouse over said link. Or install the Brave browser which has built in ad blocking and tracker protection for free.
This WebGL fluid simulation by paveldogreat is kickass and very fun to play with.
This is how you change the font in an html document:

@font-face { font-family: '[whatever name you want to call your font]'; src: url(Wherever you're hosting your .ttf file. Doesn't need '' around it.) format('truetype'); }

Then you reference it in your body tag like this:

body { font-family: "[whatever name you want to call your font]", sans-serif; font-size: 25px; }

Took me forever to figure that out.

I made this in Blender from scratch and I'm very proud of it. As of 12/22/2024 I'm using it as my phone background.
This is a conglomeration of things I want to share with the world. I don't care if you've already heard of anything on this page. That's not the point.
Various AI that do more than just generate images for lazy assholes:
You can filter search results on Pinterest by videos, boards, products, and profiles with 'all pins' being the default. To do this you click the hamburger (or is it called a spaghetti menu in this case?) in the corner when you search stuff up. But you have to have already pressed enter in the search bar.
If you're copy/pasting the code for this site I must warn you that none of it is even remotely organized, but good luck to you if you have the patience to look through someone elses' clusterfuck and sort it out where you can understand it. I commend you.
The code for the color changing + waving animation on the word 'Welcome' in that other box is here.
What do you call a fish with no eye? a f-sh!
This is what Nick.com looked like when I was 9-10 yrs old.
A cook book hosted on Notion of recipes I cook every now and again. Most of it is single serving snack foods.

I made this on Picmix. Hehehehe.

I pixeled these.
Create custom DnD pages using html, css and markdown.
Pet my turtle! (if you're on mobile, tap the screen to get him to move again)

WorldBuilding Resources:

Sites I use for worldbuilding inspiration:
Make custom maps with HTML+JS:
"I thought you meant drawing maps, not embedding them on websites or with HTML!" Alright, alright. Here's some of those resources too.

Fun JavaScript libraries: